Name: Okafor Jane Ekemma. Amumammiri
Origin: Okannachi, Okeigwe Imo State
Location: Umunze Anambra state.
Mobile Number: 08023380338. +2348023380338
Specialisation: Spiritual work, water work
Teaching: Removing Negative Energy
Negative energy can stop you from receiving favor or grace to prosper
It is advisable to break the yoke today. This will help you break any negative curse holding you captivity
You'll need the following:
Little life chicken 1
Alligator pepper 1 bundle
Bay leaf 7 leaf
Bitter leaf 7 leaf
Coconut water,1 coconut
Go inside your room ,naked yourself
Power is about to change your condition
Put four stick of whitecandle as a circle
Stand with the life chicken and speak may all your problems,curse or negativities holding you since be transferred to that chicken
Best done at 9pm up
Speak and pray hard while holding the chicken in your left hands
Use the life chicken rob in all your body
And use your left hand and circle your head with the chicken four times
Clockwise and anticlockwise four times on your head
After doing it go and throw away the chickens outside your compound immediately
Come back and wash your hands
Pray that all is over,that your destiny will start to come out
Comes back,use the alligator pepper and open it from your back and bring the whole of the inside seed and use it low all over your body and pray
Anything that will make me to suffer again that you use this pepper to wash it away
After lowing it all in your body go outside and trow it outside from your back
Come back and wash your hands
Cook bitter leaf and Bay leaf,with water
Sieve it and bring the liquid,break the coconut and bring the water and put in a bucket
Speak all your lost glory will start coming back to you from today with this coconut water that your life will change to better
Add the bayleaf and bitter leaf water on the bucket you add coconut water
Add little way and go and bath with it
When bathing tell the universe how you want your life to start to be
Speak and so shall it be
Once finished don't clean your body with towel,go back to your room
And stand near the candle and start connecting light on your life
After speaking blow off the candle
Changes will take place immediately
Please never hide my testimonies
I won't show your name only your testimonies