Teaching: The Sixteen Commandments of Odinala Na Omenani Igbo
The traditional cultural beliefs and practices of the Igbo people of south-eastern Nigeria are referred to as Odinani or Odinala, also known as Omenala, Omenana, Odinana, "menani," "dlal," or "dlala."
Nso ala is behavior that violates the laws set down by the Ala deity. Nso Ala is described by Ilogu as "two words that are used when speaking of contraventions against approved social and religious norms."
Nso ala refers to actions that obstruct the practice of a culture's norms and traditions (omenala).
The female Alusi (deity) of the soil, morality, fertility, and creativity in Odinani is known as Ala (also written as Ani, Ana, Ale, and Ali in various Igbo dialects).
List of Traditional Laws - Nso Ala
1. Know your chi (your god of incarnate
2. Know your Ndi Ichie (your ancestors
3. Know your Agwu (the Holy spirits of Omenala
4. Know your Ndi Mmiri (your water incarnate spirits
5. Know the Okwu Mmuo (the altars of your family, kindred’s,
Village’ and community and your maiden Town.
6. Know your Iyi Uwa (your covenant of RE-INCARNATE.
7. You must know the water of your town and maiden Town.
8. Do not have sexual intercourse with somebody's wife / wives.
9. Do not indulge in sexual intercourse with a widow who is still in
his late husband's family.
10. Do not indulge in sexual intercourse with a divorcee whom his
family has not or refused to collect back her bride price.
11. Do not have sex with a woman that is menstruating, even your Wife.
12. Do not steal or covet your fellow man's property of any sort.
13. Do not bear false witness against anybody or swear on what you
know nothing about "be it serious or comic.
14. Do not indulge or belong to any blood covenant ground or cult.
15. Do not indulge in any sexual intercourse with a fellow man
women or animals of any sort.
16. Do not have sexual intercourse with your blood relatives.
Author: Unknown
Ordinani Igbo.